[...]is a feature-length rock documentary by John Srebalus and Jessica Hundley. It is currently in production. The film will explore the music and musicians of the American hard rock underground circa 1990-2006. Focus will be on the psychedelic and/or '70s proto-metal-derived styles commonly referred to as "doom," "stoner rock," "desert rock," and "space rock." The film will chart the evolution of these styles and their creative components, while primarily serving as a character study of the musicians themselves—artists seemingly on the fringes of both straight society and hip indie circles. The filmmakers will address stereotypes associated with this music (drug use, slacker attitudes, homegrown mysticism), anticipating that these will be both affirmed and dismantled to varying degrees. The filmmakers will show how these musicians work and live, and how they sustain careers outside the corporate rock mainstream. A picture will likely emerge of a vital art form built on accomplished musicianship and creative ambition—and a story that will appeal to viewers who like the music, and also those who don't.
The MySpace and YouTube players are less than stellar, so if you've got a fast connection or a little patience you can view the 10-minute SUCH HAWKS, SUCH HOUNDS trailer HERE.