Mit 'ner schäbigen MP3 VBR-Version isses dann wohl eher nich getan, hm?
Die Dashed Upon Stones habe ich zwar nicht so als den Bringer in Erinnerung, aber vielleicht ist das von einer 1:1-Kopie doch durchschlagender. Alles weitere per PN?
Campbell Kneale, of prolific one-man bliss drone project Birchville Cat Motel, returns to his metallic alter-ego Black Boned Angel. Both projects chase a similar idea from different ends of the spectrum. The Endless Coming Into Life is Kneale's third full-length release as Black Boned Angel (in addition to a slew of CDR EPs), all released by 20 Buck Spin. This work is perhaps Kneale's most obvious combination of the extreme minimalism of his ambient tendencies and the extreme maximalism of his forays into the center of the subterranean metal guitar riff. The album first lulls one into a meditative state of relative calm before plummeting into the chasm created by the vibrations of a single, snarling riff so heavy it could rip a hole in the heavens. Consisting of a sole one-hour track, The Endless Coming Into Life sits comfortably alongside the darker end of Kneale's ever-growing catalog of work dedicated to finding the light (or dark) source of the universal drone.
Zitat von Riot Season new albums coming soon on Riot Season. i'm guessing Sept/Oct
ist ja schon ganz solide was der macht, obwohl´s ´n bisschen nach sunn o))) rip-off klingt... aber das cover.... geht gar nicht, find ich... kann man nicht machen, auch wenn´s vielleicht nicht aus idiologischen gründen ist...