Denke, dass das Album trotz der durchweg guten Kritiken und des Bekanntheitsgrades der Besetzung (Ex Khang, Doom, Murder One, Medulla Nocte, My Dying Bride) aufgrund der Masse an Veröffentlichungen pro Monat (hierbei September 2005) an manchem ungehört vorbeigerauscht ist. An der Qualität kann es keinesfalls liegen...
new review: Lazarus Blackstar - Revelations By Adam Anonymous Despite initial impressions that Lazarus Blackstar may represent little more than a hackneyed doom project, look past the pentagrams and they become a fucking terrifying proposition. Gut-wrenching, slow-motion bass-lines are torn apart by equally bowel-worrying screams so horrifyingly drawn out it becomes impossible to identify the species of the vocal chords they originated from. The beast responsible turns out to be former Medulla Nocte throat-shredder Paul Catten, a man well used to dealing out such vocal torture. The opening seven-minute extended thunderclap of Revelation 1: Day Of Reckoning is a perfect blacker-than-black example of this iron-lunged LP; nasty, hypnotising sludge, guaranteed to inflict stomach cramps and slight nausea. Immense.